The Fine de Claire Chironfils oyster is a not very fleshy oyster raised in the open sea for a minimum of 3 years on the French Atlantic Coast. Then our oysters remain in the Claires for a minimum of 3 weeks. This time in Claires offers them a well-deserved after the danger and ocean storm.
The oysters will strengthen their flesh and their shell, and add to their marine flavour, the subtelty of a local taste.

Homogeneous shape, not very fleshy, translucent mantle, white gills, pleasant and marine smell, refined taste of Claire terroir, flavor balanced in salt, soft consistency, short length in the mouth

For lovers of fine oysters, rich in water with a refined taste


The Fine de Claire Verte Label Rouge is a not very fleshy oyster raised in the open sea for a minimum of 3 years on the Frech Atlantic Coast. The oyster is then refined in our Claires which are clayey basins with a low water level allowing good penetration of light, conducive to the development of the oyster’s food.
During its stay in Claires, a micro-algae called the blue navicula will come to color the golden gills of the oyster and will give it its beautiful green color. This process is entirely natural and depends on the good with of mother nature to make the blue navicula appear in Claire.

Homogeneous shape, sufficient amount of flesh, translucent to white mantle, green gills, pleasant marine smell with refined taste of Claire terroir, balanced salt and sweet flavors, soft to slightly firm consistency, medium length in the mouth

For lovers of beautiful emerald color oysters with refined terroir taste
Available from October to April


Pioneer in longline oyster farming in the open se, the Chironfils company operate a field of oysters off the Ré island coast. The longlines are installations made up of buoys and ropes that maintain the oyster bags suspended in cages permanently immersed 1 metre under the sea.
This unique know-how patiently developed since 2002, offers meaty oysters as they are continuously fed.
The SuperChironfils oysters are very high quality oysters and has an exceptional taste.

Homogeneous shape, very meaty, white mantle / white gills, pleasant marine smell, salty flavor faded by the predominant sweet flavor of protein, firm consistency with a strong length in mouth

For lovers of meaty oyster with an incredible marine taste


The Pousse en Claire Label Rouge oyster is an exceptional oyster. The Marennes Oleron oyster farmers used to taste this oyster as a privilege among insiders and did not market it. The Pousse en Claire is refined in our Claires for 4 to 8 months, which are clayey basins with a low water level, allowing good penetration of light conducive to the development of oyster food. We put only 2 oysters per square meters. Thanks to the particular nutritional quality of the Claires, the oyster double or triple its volume of flesh and its weight and acquire a very characteristic firmness as well as an inimitable taste of terroir. The oyster takes the time to develop its growth in harmony with its environment, the reason for this exceptional quality.

Breeding in Claires for a minimum of 4 months and only 2 oysters per square metres. Homogeneous shape, large quantity of flesh, ivory mantle and white gills.
Pleasant flavor of Claire terroir, seaweed, firm and crunchy consistency, very long length in the mouth

For lovers of very fleshy oysters with a pronounced taste of terroir and a long length in the mouth
Available from October to April


Our King Prawns are raised in complementarity and in perfect harmony with oysters in Claires. On spring time, when our Claire water reach a temperature of 15°C minimum, we introduce the shrimp larvae. By scraping the mud to flush out the worms, on which they naturally feed, the shrimp cloud the water, which boosts photosynthesis while limiting it only to the plankton on which the oysters feed.
Prawns help maintain the Claires and prevent the proliferation of invasive algae for oyster farming. Our King Prawns are farmed extensively with only 2 prawns per square metre.

Available from August to November